Price & conditions


Option 1: If you want to work with me on a regular basis, I offer you a free 45 mins online conversation!
You’re not obliged to commit if you decide this format is not suitable for you.
Then, my price for around 60 mins of individual lesson is 20 euros.

Option 2: If you have an occasional need, and you think that only a few lessons will be enough to address a specific topic (job interview, professional presentation, administrative topic, etc.), my price for around 60 mins of individual lesson is 25 euros.


I’m available from 7am to 6pm french time (last class starts at 5pm), from Monday to Friday.


Payment for the lessons will be monthly. At the end of every month, you’ll get an invoice with the number of lessons, so you can make sure all is correct.
My French IBAN will be attached with the invoice. You can make a bank transfer or make a transfer via Revolut, whichever is best for you.
The payments are in euros.

Lesson cancellations

Lessons can be cancelled up to 12 hours before the scheduled time. Otherwise, it’ll be marked as attended and put on the invoice.
 Managing the schedule and preparing lessons require a lot of organisation in advance, so sudden cancellation can cause some chaos, I hope you can understand!

Amount of lessons

You pick how frequently you’d like us to meet. It can be weekly, monthly or even yearly – you decide. Of course, as long as we can work out the right schedule. Remember that the more frequent and regular the lessons, the quicker you will see the results.

End of the course

It’s completely up to you when we stop the lessons. Naturally, I’ll ask for about two-week notice, if that’s possible!